
Martin Guitar - Inside the Factory Tour

This is the second post about my trip to Martin Guitar in Nazareth, Pa. This post is about the factory tour, you can go here to read about the museum of Marton Guitar.
It is a totally amazing factory and quite interesting to see how these items are made. I had a hard time selecting which photos to post but I think I did a good job.

The wood is ready to be cut, shaped and made into a famous guitar.

Just a few of the beautiful wood selections that are offered to those who purchase
one of their guitars. There is a whole wall of wood options, heck, options for all sorts of items you can have on your guitar. It is truly amazing.

What the inside can look like and again options. What is on the inside
affects the sound that is produced. I learned that while on the tour.

Various sizes of guitars offered to buyers.

Sites from the tour.

The time and dedication that is put into each guitar is admirable.

These are the centers cut our from the guitars.
You receive one of these discs as a souvenir at the end of the tour.

This is one of the custom guitars that was being worked on while we were there.
What detail and look at the wood.

Each guitar is played and tuned before moving on to the next step.

Some banjos that were made by Martin that are on display in the work area.

These guitars are ready for their happy new owners.

FlipFlop Mom said...

These are AMAZING PHOTOS!! What a trip!!! I'm jealous!!

Sandy said...

Thank you. :)
It was a great trip and highly suggest that if you get the chance go!

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