I was able to get mine this morning, did you?!
This is the scoop.
Every Friday morning from now until September 25th go to RealChocolate.com and the first 250,000 people who register from 9 am - 11:50 EST will receive a free coupon for a free, full size Mars chocolate bar of your choice!
Now.. that might be a Snickers bar, Dove bar, Twix, M&M's... it is all up to you
Now you might not get in the first time (I didn't) but keep trying (I did) and you may just be rewarded with a sweet chocolate treat. *grin*
You can even sign up for a reminder to try the following weeks.
One coupon per week, per person and the coupon will be mailed to you.
Go on, get over there and see if you can get yours!
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