When the boys and I went back to PA last month we took a trip up to State College, PA the home of Penn State University.

Spencer has become a huge Penn State fan (thank goodness I have one) and wanted to see Beaver Stadium.
I thought it would be a good idea to get my dad out and about, you know change of scenery to help his recovery. (I have to say that it did work.)
We piled into the car and headed off on our two hour journey.
Half way through the drive up I noticed he boys forgot their winter jackets. *shakes her head*
They did have their hoodies but it was going to be a whopping 28 degrees with a chance of snow.
Ah, well, it could be worse.
I was excited to head back and see all the changes that had taken place since I was last there in 1993. The time from when I graduated in 1990 to 1993, there were a couple of changes but my eyes were so surprised to see all the new changes.

I was floored by a few new roads, buildings, parking garages and the addition to the stadium.
It felt wonderful to be back, walking around campus and pointing items out the boys.
All that knowledge lofting through the air was so invigorating.

We were treated to some snow flakes floating about and a couple of snow showers during our visit.
Spencer was thrilled to stand by the lion, but was reluctant to sit on top.

Nate just had to be Nate and wear his Notre Dame hoodie.
(He is a ND fan and this simply breaks my heart.)
Seriously, how could he do that to me?!
I warned him that he might hear some comments if he wore it that was not going to stop him.
He did get a few glancing stares but the best was when we stopped in a grocery store.
An older man stopped Spencer (who was wearing his PSU hoodie) and asked him, " Are you with that kid?"
(pointing at Nate)
Spencer, "Yes"
Older Man, "Tell that kid he is wearing an ugly shirt."
The only stop Nate was looking for was to Berkey Creamery (aka the Creamery) for some of the best ice cream you will ever have.

He kept stating that it more than likely was not that good but in the end he admitted that it was really, really good.
(I knew he would come around.)
Yeah, it really is that good.
(Ben & Jerry even took a class here to learn how to make ice cream.)
It is in a new building now but I remember walking to the old building for many an ice cream cone during my spring semesters.
14.1 % butterfat and only the freshest ingredients are added to the ice cream.
The creamery is a working lab for the students and the ice cream is always fresh.
What did we have?!
Spencer: chocolate
Me: Mint Chocolate Chip (just like I remember)
my mom: Sugar free strawberry (said you could not even tell it was sugar free)
my dad: Death by Chocolate
It was one of those family memories due to us eating our ice cream outside with snow flakes falling all around us. *smile*
I bought some cheese curds (another one of my weaknesses) and again I was not disappointed.

Last stop was for some t-shirts and a hat for Spencer and then it was time to head back home.
It was a really good time and Spencer could not wait to take a picture into school to show everyone he saw the lion.
That's my son!

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