Today I opted to go back and see Twin Falls.
I wanted to get some sort of outdoor activity and this fit the request like a dream.
If you missed my last post about attempting to see the falls, you can read about it here.
It was a beautiful day here, sunny, warm and a slight breeze blowing a perfect day to see the falls.
I knew there would be a good amount of water flowing due to the rain we had last week which would add to the beauty of the falls.
The drive was not without a bit of confusion even with the directions I had on hand and not to mention that we were to the area just last year.
Seriously, what else is new?

We did finally end up at our destination; the parking is a bit tight to say the least.
You end up parking at end of a road that can park about 7 cars.
The walk is not too far, there are tiny waterfalls along the path that will finally end up at the bottom of Twin Falls.

The falls were stunning and very impressive.
There was so much water rushing over them that the sound was deafening.
It was absolutely a nice way to spend Mother's Day.

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