Yup, yours eyes are not deceiving you.
It was 24 degrees, and windy at 7:00pm tonight in our neck of the woods in South Carolina.
We had finished dinner out, DH asked what I wanted to do next.
Home please; such a silly question.
Seventeen is supposed to be the magical number for how low we are going tonight, holy cow!
Now, I know it is not as cold as it is in some parts of the country currently.
I partially grew up in Marcellus, NY; you would think that I could handle the cold. I mean I can remember the first snowfall at the end of October, going to bed with no snow on the ground and waking up to inches overnight, the negative temperatures and lake effect snow.
I've spent many years in the Northeast with the blizzards, bone chilling cold winds, quick moving snow squalls and all that stuff.
It is quite sad for me to say but I think my blood has thinned out because I can't handle the cold when it gets below 40.
I am so looking forward to next week when we are going to be hitting 56!
It will feel oh.so.good after this past week.
Stay warm people, stay warm.
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